Interesting Stories about Audio & Home Entertainment technologies
Last update: Feb 24, 2012
About Us
Akraies Ekdoseis is a publishing company founded in 1998. The main objective was the design and publication of printed magazines devoted to audio, video and home entertainment technologies.
During the same year, Extreme Audio Video magazine was published for the first time. Its main subject was about top spec audio and video equipment (including news, reviews, technical features and pages about music and films as well). Editorial staff included some of the top greek reviewers and technology writers at the time.
Extreme Audio Video magazine passed through four distinctive aesthetic periods with associated cover styles and logos and offered some very interesting pieces of writing, including, probably, the first ever real world subjective test between DSD and PCM recording technologies, by organizing a live recording session at the Athens Concert Hall.
In 2003 it was decided that the basic media of Akraies Ekdoseis should be changed from the traditional paper to electronic media and to the internet. As a result, during the first days of May of the same year, went live, online for the first time. A name was chosen so that it carries a meaning both for our native, Greek, visitors and for all other international visitors as well. The name avmentor is an abbreviation for “audio and video mentor”. According to Longman Learner's Dictionary the Greek word “mentor” means “the person who habitually advises another”.
The website was designed as an attempt to create an alternative media space that provides up to date information about audio and video technologies and the home entertainment trend. Our objective was and still is to offer the visitor of these pages what we consider as an interesting combination of news, reviews and resources in order to fulfil the majority of his/her needs.
Dimitris Stamatakos studied Electrical Engineering in the Institute of Technology Education of Chalkis, Greece. He started to work as a free lancer technology writer and audio equipment reviewer in 1984, when he collaborated with Echos & HiFi magazine. During 1986-1994, he was appointed as editor in chief assistant in the same magazine.
During 1994-1996 he was appointed as editor in chief in Audio magazine (Motor Press Hellas). In 1996 he assumed the position of executive director/audio division in Motor Press Hellas, a division that was publishing Audio, Pro Audio and Auto HiFi magazines at that time.
In 1998 he was one of the co-founders at "Akraies Ekdoseis" publishing company and he assumed the position of editor in chief in Extreme Audio Video magazine. During 2000-2003 he appointed as executive director/AV Group, a joined group formed between Αkraies Ekdoseis and Smart Press. ΑV Group's main publications were DVD Home Theater, Extreme Audio Video and AV Pro magazines.
From 2003 owns and maintains and He, also, a member of the staff of reviewers in High Fidelity magazine (Vision Press) since 2009.
Dimitris served as a member in the inaugural committee of the greek section of Audio Engineering Society (1992) and as secretary and treasures in AES/Gr. He is an associate member of AES and IEEE. In 1993 he published a book on the subject of consumer audio systems for begginers.